Explore projects
[Deprecated, see https://www.eisfunke.com/recipes] Retrieves recipes from an instance of Tandoor Recipes and builds them into PDFs using Pandoc and LaTeX.
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My personal ZSH config with a pretty powerline-like prompt. DEPRECATED: my shell config is now part of https://git.eisfunke.com/config/nixos
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DEPRECATED: ghci config is now part of https://git.eisfunke.com/config/nixos
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Configuration / Scripts
MIT LicenseA collection of miscellaneous utility scripts
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Software / Scripts
Apache License 2.0My personal collection of miscellaneous script for everyday usage.
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Configuration / Monitoring
Apache License 2.0Simplemonitors config for my services, the status page available at status.eisfunke.com.
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Software / Container / Selfoss
Apache License 2.0Archived 0Updated -
Configuration / Pacman Hooks
Apache License 2.0Hooks for the pacman package manager that keep the package cache clean.
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Software / Polygon
Apache License 2.0Tool for managing multiple version control repositories.
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