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Research / Proseminar Metaheuristische Optimierung
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalThe slides (in German) for my presentation »Metaheuristische Optimierung: Ant Colony System und Guided Local Search« for the proseminar by Prof. Müller.
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Configuration / Iosevka Funke
SIL Open Font License 1.1My private build plan for the Iosevka font.
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Research / Game of Life
Apache License 2.0Unfinished Haskell version of Conways Game of Life.
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Research / CrystalOS
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalIdeas for an innovative future OS.
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Configuration / OpenWRT Builder
Apache License 2.0My personal build script for the OpenWRT image builder.
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Documents and Graphics / eisfunke.com
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalMy personal website, eisfunke.com.
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Software / CommandBot for Telegram
Apache License 2.0A Telegram bot that can run shell commands on the host.
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Software / WMS Server
Apache License 2.0Warehouse Management Server written in Haskell with Yesod.
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Software / Days
Apache License 2.0An absolutely indispensable web application counting days.
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Documents and Graphics / Palette
Apache License 2.0A Python script that generates my color palettes.
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Documents and Graphics / Gem
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalAn SVG graphic of a gem.
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Software / WMS App
Apache License 2.0App for my warehouse management system, using voice control, written in Flutter.
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Software / Nebelhorn
MIT LicenseA flexible static website generator using Pandoc, written in Haskell.
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